[Bf-python] Is is possible to link/append particle settings?
Michel Anders
2014-02-17 18:20:22 UTC

Currently I am working on enhancing my space tree addon and I want to link
or append particle settings from a bundled library.

Now bpy.data.libraries.load() works fine but the objects returned in by the
context manager do NOT expose a particles attribute so I am forced to link
the object with the associated particle system and get the particlesettings
as side effect. This is not so desirable because I have no need for the
object itself. (see code below)

Am I missing something here/could this be done more elegantly or is not
having a .particles attribute an omission in the API perhaps?


-- Michel (varkenvarken).

def load_particlesettings(library, object_name, settings):

beforep = set(m.name for m in bpy.data.particles)

before = set(m.name for m in bpy.data.objects)

with bpy.data.libraries.load(library) as (data_from, data_to):

data_to.objects = [m for m in data_from.objects if m == object_name]

afterp = set(m.name for m in bpy.data.particles)

after = set(m.name for m in bpy.data.objects)

new = after - before

if len(new) != 1:

raise ValueError("While loading object %s from library %s %d objects
were found (%s) instead of just 1"%(


new = afterp - beforep

if len(new) != 1:

raise ValueError("While loading particle setting %s from object %s
in library %s %d objects were found (%s) instead of just

return bpy.data.particles[new.pop()]

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