[Bf-python] addons, addons-contrib: git repo's online
Campbell Barton
2013-11-12 12:27:02 UTC
Hi, today I finished off the conversions from svn->git for addons and

Mailing this list so the decissions I made w.r.t the repo migration
don't come as a surprise.

* Only "addons" and "addons_contrib" have been extracted from
there are many other projects in this repository (mostly older &
unused) which are not included in the migration,
however "bf-extensions" will be kept, if we want to migrate parts of
it into a new repository later on, we can.

* branches havn't been included (but release tags have), we didnt make
so much use of branches.

* some things have been removed from history (since with git everyone
stores history locally its nice to keep it lean).
-- FBX/XNA exporter (since removed).
-- jpeg images for materials library (no longer needed).
-- piemenu (because it stores a copy of high res icons and will be
rewritten in C).
-- addons_contrib, addons that are no longer in svn have been removed.
-- accidental commits (random junk committed by accident).

* Repo sizes so far: addons ~5mb, addons-contrib ~20mb.

* history of accidental commits and typos has been removed ~55 commits.

For details on edits made to the repository, these are the scripts Im using.


Check the git repositories here:
* http://git.blender.org/gitweb/gitweb.cgi/blender-addons.git
* http://git.blender.org/gitweb/gitweb.cgi/blender-addons-contrib.git

grab them directly with:
* git clone http://git.blender.org/blender-addons.git
* git clone http://git.blender.org/blender-addons-contrib.git

Feel free to grab and inspect,

Of course once migration is done these will be git-submodules (like we
have svn:externals).

If anyone has code outside the addons dir's they like to continue
working on, I'm available to pull these into their own git repos.
- Campbell