[Bf-python] Trying to write stuff to import openscad objects and have some questions.
Dwight Hubbard
2014-03-07 21:08:59 UTC
I'm trying to write code to let me import and manipulate openscad objects
in blender so I can use python instead of openscad to work on stuff. So
far I have a few questions.

I'm assuming since openscad uses mm for it's units I need to div all values
by 1000 to get things scaled correctly in blender or is there some api call
to set the measurement system?

So far openscad primitives like cube and sphere have mapped pretty closely
to stuff in bpy.ops.mesh.primitive, however the openscad cylinder primitive
allows specifying the top/bottom radius of the cylinder in order to make
one that is tapered and I'll be damned if I can figure out how to do that
in blender using python.
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