[Bf-python] Game engie collision
Bence Liszkai
2014-03-06 20:43:49 UTC
Hello, i want to create a little game in blender. There is an object (a
robot) with a child (robot arm), and i want to have a common collision
bound for them, because i need to react the arm collision back to the
If i apply "Compound" collision bound for them, it works well, but when i
moved the child relative to the parent object (with a motion actuator),
then the common collision bound do not updated.
Is there a way in python to refresh the common bound?
An other solution could be to use "getReactionForce()" of the child, and
apply it on the parend, but "getReactionForce()" always returns (0,0,0).
And as i read it is not implemented yet. Really not? Is there an
alternative way to get the collision reaction forces?
Thanks for help:
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