Giuseppe De Marco
2015-04-05 16:40:08 UTC
Hi all,
I realized that an addon that I wrote wasn't so usefull as I tought in
the past, when I learned blender more in the deep I understand other
way to get it where's needed.
But there's a criticity in Blender, even in the last release.
If I scale a mesh in object mode it changes its dimensions but the
edit attributes, as edges length, remains the same !
This is the nightmare of every CAD users. They could kill for this...
I have to get a workaround because my life is in danger when I try to
explain this criticity to them.
Now I'm coding an addon that intercepts the S keypress in objectmode
to drive it in edit mode - do the things - and then return in object
mode, this because only if we scale in edit_mode the edges length
updates its values as expected.
I've a problem and I'm loosing my self in the API, so my question is:
how to simulate S keypress in blender ?
I don't need the bpy.ops.transform.resize(), I need the mouse
interaction to set new dimensions.
What I have to call to see it on the screen ? I mean the dotted line
linked to the origin of the mesh and the mouse movements that sets in
realtime the dimension of the mesh.
this is the code:
class ForceScale_EditMode(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = 'object.force_scale_edit'
bl_label = 'force_scale_edit'
bl_description = bl_info['description']
#bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
def execute(self, context):{'INFO'}, 'executed')
# force to go in edit mode
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'EDIT')
# selects all vertices
# call the scale trigger to play with mouse
# unknow function /event / whatever :(
# if scale committed returns in object_mode and then finish
# else: return to object_mode.
return {'FINISHED'}
any hint would be helpfull
I realized that an addon that I wrote wasn't so usefull as I tought in
the past, when I learned blender more in the deep I understand other
way to get it where's needed.
But there's a criticity in Blender, even in the last release.
If I scale a mesh in object mode it changes its dimensions but the
edit attributes, as edges length, remains the same !
This is the nightmare of every CAD users. They could kill for this...
I have to get a workaround because my life is in danger when I try to
explain this criticity to them.
Now I'm coding an addon that intercepts the S keypress in objectmode
to drive it in edit mode - do the things - and then return in object
mode, this because only if we scale in edit_mode the edges length
updates its values as expected.
I've a problem and I'm loosing my self in the API, so my question is:
how to simulate S keypress in blender ?
I don't need the bpy.ops.transform.resize(), I need the mouse
interaction to set new dimensions.
What I have to call to see it on the screen ? I mean the dotted line
linked to the origin of the mesh and the mouse movements that sets in
realtime the dimension of the mesh.
this is the code:
class ForceScale_EditMode(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = 'object.force_scale_edit'
bl_label = 'force_scale_edit'
bl_description = bl_info['description']
#bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
def execute(self, context):{'INFO'}, 'executed')
# force to go in edit mode
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'EDIT')
# selects all vertices
# call the scale trigger to play with mouse
# unknow function /event / whatever :(
# if scale committed returns in object_mode and then finish
# else: return to object_mode.
return {'FINISHED'}
any hint would be helpfull