[Bf-python] Fwd: Planarizer add-on
Mark Riedesel
2013-06-27 19:25:33 UTC

A few days ago I wrote up a little plug-in for correcting non-planar
faces and flattening sections of geometry to an arbitrary axis.

I'm just wondering if there's an interest in including it
bf-extensions. I'm happy make any adjustments if needed.

project on github:


intro video:



(Klowner on freenode)
Campbell Barton
2013-07-03 10:41:31 UTC
Hi Mark, I checked the addon, a few comments..

* There are some optimizations that can be made, BMesh for example
knows the next and previous edges and vertices in a face so you don't
need to search for them like its doing now.

* Seems like this is limited to quads? Would be nice to make it work
for any 4+ sided face.

* It defaults to aligning to the cursor, not sure this is a useful default?

* Generally useful, Think it can be included in contrib immediately
(mail me direct with your project.blender.org username if you like and
we can take it from there).

* Longer term I think we could collect tools like this into a `Cleanup` menu....
[Mesh -> Cleanup -> Planerize-Faces, Split-Non-Planer-Faces,
Split-Concave-NGons, Collapse-Degenerate-Edges, Limited dissolve,
Angle-Limited-Beauty-fill... etc]

There are quite a few obscure sounding tools which end up being handy
when cleaning up high poly models when doing so manually isn't an

Currently tools are getting mixed in with more general purpose tools
and I think it makes their purpose a bit unclear.
Post by Mark Riedesel
A few days ago I wrote up a little plug-in for correcting non-planar
faces and flattening sections of geometry to an arbitrary axis.
I'm just wondering if there's an interest in including it
bf-extensions. I'm happy make any adjustments if needed.
(Klowner on freenode)
Bf-python mailing list
Bf-python at blender.org
- Campbell
Mark Riedesel
2013-07-06 00:07:42 UTC
Thanks for the response, Campbell!

I made a few changes in response to your suggestions, but I'll have to
look into changing my face traversal stuff to use the BMesh
capabilities. It should now work decently with faces other than quads
(probably still needs some work). I also added an "iterative" mode
that simplifies mass-cleanup type operations in contrast to the
original "grouped" mode. I also changed the defaults to be a bit more

The Mesh -> Cleanup idea seems like a good one.

Thanks again,

Post by Campbell Barton
Hi Mark, I checked the addon, a few comments..
* There are some optimizations that can be made, BMesh for example
knows the next and previous edges and vertices in a face so you don't
need to search for them like its doing now.
* Seems like this is limited to quads? Would be nice to make it work
for any 4+ sided face.
* It defaults to aligning to the cursor, not sure this is a useful default?
* Generally useful, Think it can be included in contrib immediately
(mail me direct with your project.blender.org username if you like and
we can take it from there).
* Longer term I think we could collect tools like this into a `Cleanup` menu....
[Mesh -> Cleanup -> Planerize-Faces, Split-Non-Planer-Faces,
Split-Concave-NGons, Collapse-Degenerate-Edges, Limited dissolve,
Angle-Limited-Beauty-fill... etc]
There are quite a few obscure sounding tools which end up being handy
when cleaning up high poly models when doing so manually isn't an
Currently tools are getting mixed in with more general purpose tools
and I think it makes their purpose a bit unclear.
Post by Mark Riedesel
A few days ago I wrote up a little plug-in for correcting non-planar
faces and flattening sections of geometry to an arbitrary axis.
I'm just wondering if there's an interest in including it
bf-extensions. I'm happy make any adjustments if needed.
(Klowner on freenode)
Bf-python mailing list
Bf-python at blender.org
- Campbell
Bf-python mailing list
Bf-python at blender.org