[Bf-python] Adding dylib (.so) to Blender for use by BGE or 3D window?
Paul Coones
2013-04-27 19:22:34 UTC
I don't seem to be able to access outside .so libraries in Blender. Where and how can this be done? Can this be done by script? The .so library contains c++ methods. It can be done in Windows, but not on Mac. Interested in using one in the BGE by scripts.

Skype - paul.coones7641
Aim - paul_coones at aim.com
paulcoones at comcast.net
Campbell Barton
2013-04-28 01:12:56 UTC
Hi Paul,
You can use pythons ctypes, this isn't blender specific, theres lots
of docs on how to do this.

Though youll have to expose a C API from the C++ lib since their isn't
a standard ABI for C++.
Post by Paul Coones
I don't seem to be able to access outside .so libraries in Blender. Where
and how can this be done? Can this be done by script? The .so library
contains c++ methods. It can be done in Windows, but not on Mac. Interested
in using one in the BGE by scripts.
Skype - paul.coones7641
Aim - paul_coones at aim.com
paulcoones at comcast.net
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- Campbell