As Jonathan Giroux said many users prefer to save their preferences on the
cloud for convenience. I use Blender on two computers and every time I
update to a new version I need to add again my custom layouts, my custom
start-up file and change a lot of settings. I know I could use symlinks, I
used junction in the past for that but that's just hacking and not all
users have the skills or the time to do that and they shouldn't have to. At
work I cannot use the Dropbox client, I use only the web version so
symlinks not an option. So the whole symlink solution is just a workaround
for the "problem" not a proper solution from may point of view.
I don't think it is should be seen as a strong privacy violation either,
users are using Dropbox or other cloud storing services again for the
convenience they provide and it is their choice to do so. If we enable them
to use and add-on to do that (or even provide the option in settings) it is
their choice to use it or not.
What I'm doing right now is investigating what this undertaking involves.
Frankly I am surprised that no one has already implemented something like
that, or maybe I didn't searched enough?!
For convenience still, I believe that Blender needs a nice integrated
add-on store or repository but that's another topic I will raise later :)
Post by Jonathan GirouxSome large applications have switched towards putting user prefs "on the
cloud" for UX purposes. It makes sense to make such a system for Blender.
However I believe Blender cultivates the hack spirit, and trying to put
user information remotely would be seen as a strong privacy violation,
especially in these days.
Personally I'm using ownCloud to do this, I'm even thinking about
versioning it with git.
Post by Todd McIntoshDo you think and addon is necessary to do that? I know some people
already that just put their userpref.blend file in dropbox and then put an
alias/shortcut/symlink in their Blender folder. That way it syncs every
time Blender is started.
Todd McIntosh
Resonance Media + Design
Phone: +1 (905) 471-5048
Skype: toddmcintosh
May 11, 2015 at 9:25 AM
I want to implement an add-on for Blender to synchronize user
preferences and start-up file to the user's Dropbox account. I already have
experience with Dropbox API as I implemented a full client for Symbian in
the past (cuteBox
<>) but I
would like some guidance to the Python API for Blender and writing Blender
add-ons in the first place. Is it possible to be notified inside the add-on
when the settings have been changed by the user and trigger a sync? (is
there a callback or hook or something?)
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