[Bf-python] decrease render time.
zadeek ummer
2013-07-29 06:05:04 UTC
hello everyone,
I am using blender for rendering animations on my server and it takes about
18 secs to do a 90 frame render. is there anyway to decrease the rendering
time. currently blender can use threads only on one frame .
is it possible to use opengl render in background mode??
is there a way to render multiple frames???
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Peter D. Cassetta
2013-07-29 13:57:06 UTC
Hi Zadeek,

What I like to do for rendering multiple frames (on my desktop
environment) is to open multiple copies of Blender. The file I'm
rendering needs to have some settings from the render output panel
changed from the default. In short, "Overwrite" must be disabled and
"Placeholders" must enabled.

Though I can't speak to OpenGL rendering in background mode, this trick
should let you render multiple frames at once. I have found it does
speed things up a bit, even on my hyperthreaded 4-core system.

-Peter Cassetta
Post by zadeek ummer
hello everyone,
I am using blender for rendering animations on my server and it takes
about 18 secs to do a 90 frame render. is there anyway to decrease the
rendering time. currently blender can use threads only on one frame .
is it possible to use opengl render in background mode??
is there a way to render multiple frames???
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Bf-python at blender.org
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W. Nelson
2013-07-30 15:36:00 UTC
Is there a way to manually unregister a panel that has been added by an addon or from a script in the text editor?
Rather than greying out the options I want to completely remove a panel that my addon has registered...

Also, how is this done differently from a script in the text editor or from the py console as opposed to an addon?

Thanks, JTa
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Adhi Hargo
2013-07-30 15:55:17 UTC
If you just want to hide a panel registered by an addon, writing a
poll() classmethod would be sufficient.

class MyPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
def poll(class, context):
show_this_panel = True
return show_this_panel

It's done similarly whether in an addon or not.
- Adhi Hargo