[Bf-python] Blender/Python Help
Clark, Collin
2014-03-29 02:42:28 UTC
I am a amateur game developer using Blender.
I have an idea about my game. My idea is to add a editable Key binding menu
in my game.
The problem I am having is that I don't know how to integrate a python
script to my game. I know how to make a script in Text Editor and apply it
in my Logic editor, but I don't know how to write the code for it. I was
thinking something like this:

Forward = move x + 1
input "_" = Forward

But I highly doubt that blender knows what I mean.
If you have encountered this problem before or know how to do this
correctly, I would greatly appreciate it ;)

Also, if this is the wrong mailing address, I apologize.

Collin Clark
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2014-04-01 07:34:00 UTC
Hey there, connecting the script to the logic is the first step.
Then you should take a look at the GE python API:
and to the main page:
that has links for quickstarts overviews etc. Try a few things to get used
to what you can do with python.
Then you should think about your problem :) How do you change the input key
and where do you intend to keep it? And then the forward part.

In?s Almeida
Post by Clark, Collin
I am a amateur game developer using Blender.
I have an idea about my game. My idea is to add a editable Key binding
menu in my game.
The problem I am having is that I don't know how to integrate a python
script to my game. I know how to make a script in Text Editor and apply it
in my Logic editor, but I don't know how to write the code for it. I was
Forward = move x + 1
input "_" = Forward
But I highly doubt that blender knows what I mean.
If you have encountered this problem before or know how to do this
correctly, I would greatly appreciate it ;)
Also, if this is the wrong mailing address, I apologize.
Collin Clark
Bf-python mailing list
Bf-python at blender.org
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