[Bf-python] Listing all data blocks in another .blend file
Arnaud Couturier
2014-09-18 21:56:26 UTC
I'm new to this list, so please forgive my mistakes if I use it incorrectly

I need to link all the groups that follow a naming convention, from another
blend file. And without having to know all of them in advance, so I can
add/update/remove groups in the library blend file, without touching the
linking code logic.

Is it possible ?
I haven't found anything about this in the Python API.

I added a request on the wiki
(bottom of the page)
I'm not sure if it's the right place...

Thank you in advance
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Bassam Kurdali
2014-09-18 23:06:42 UTC
I believe so, check out the docs:
specifically look at the line that starts with

# link all objects starting with 'A'

in the examples. I think that should be what you need (with your own
filtering code instead of just looking for that one letter)
Post by Arnaud Couturier
I'm new to this list, so please forgive my mistakes if I use it
incorrectly ^^'
I need to link all the groups that follow a naming convention, from
another blend file. And without having to know all of them in advance,
so I can add/update/remove groups in the library blend file, without
touching the linking code logic.
Is it possible ?
I haven't found anything about this in the Python API.
I added a request on the wiki
(bottom of the page)
I'm not sure if it's the right place...
Thank you in advance
Bf-python mailing list
Bf-python at blender.org
Arnaud Couturier
2014-09-19 00:02:54 UTC
Thank you very much for the quick and precise answer!

I tested it, and that is exactly what I need indeed.
I removed the useless feature request from the wiki.

Cheers :)
Post by Bassam Kurdali
specifically look at the line that starts with
# link all objects starting with 'A'
in the examples. I think that should be what you need (with your own
filtering code instead of just looking for that one letter)
Post by Arnaud Couturier
I'm new to this list, so please forgive my mistakes if I use it
incorrectly ^^'
I need to link all the groups that follow a naming convention, from
another blend file. And without having to know all of them in advance,
so I can add/update/remove groups in the library blend file, without
touching the linking code logic.
Is it possible ?
I haven't found anything about this in the Python API.
I added a request on the wiki
(bottom of the page)
I'm not sure if it's the right place...
Thank you in advance
Bf-python mailing list
Bf-python at blender.org
Bf-python mailing list
Bf-python at blender.org
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