[Bf-python] Suppot for bgl vertex arrays / VBOs ?
Gert De Roost
2013-08-19 09:29:21 UTC
Is there going to be a time for OpenGL vertex arrays and vertex buffer
objects (VBOs) to be supported by Python bgl ?

I could really use the speedup for my preselection highlighting addon,
immediate mode is deprecated and slow...

Gert De Roost
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Dalai Felinto
2013-08-19 15:00:46 UTC
HI Gert,

You can find a related topic here:

It's not hard to expand the available (basic *) opengl functions, it's more
a matter of defining where to draw the line of when to drop bgl and use a
pyGL like library.

Do you have a list of all the opengl calls you would like to see supported?
That can help understand the scope of what you are asking.

* non-basic opengl calls are the ones that need to be bind per vertex, such
as vertex attributes. If I remember correctly those are a bit more
complicated to be incorporated in the code. Though for your need/vbo it may
be simple.



2013/8/19 Gert De Roost <paleajed at gmail.com>
Post by Gert De Roost
Is there going to be a time for OpenGL vertex arrays and vertex buffer
objects (VBOs) to be supported by Python bgl ?
I could really use the speedup for my preselection highlighting addon,
immediate mode is deprecated and slow...
Gert De Roost
Bf-python mailing list
Bf-python at blender.org
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Gert De Roost
2013-08-19 23:31:35 UTC
The most basic function I need is really only vertex arrays at the moment:



Thats a first selection, VBO would be nice too but I can do without...
Are there really plans to integrate pyGL? Any time soon?
Blender can use the power!

Gert De Roost
Post by Dalai Felinto
HI Gert,
It's not hard to expand the available (basic *) opengl functions, it's
more a matter of defining where to draw the line of when to drop bgl and
use a pyGL like library.
Do you have a list of all the opengl calls you would like to see
supported? That can help understand the scope of what you are asking.
* non-basic opengl calls are the ones that need to be bind per vertex,
such as vertex attributes. If I remember correctly those are a bit more
complicated to be incorporated in the code. Though for your need/vbo it may
be simple.
2013/8/19 Gert De Roost <paleajed at gmail.com>
Post by Gert De Roost
Is there going to be a time for OpenGL vertex arrays and vertex buffer
objects (VBOs) to be supported by Python bgl ?
I could really use the speedup for my preselection highlighting addon,
immediate mode is deprecated and slow...
Gert De Roost
Bf-python mailing list
Bf-python at blender.org
Bf-python mailing list
Bf-python at blender.org
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